It's always interesting sitting down to type a new post here.
Interesting, because I never really know what I'm going to say till I start to say it -- this is due simultaneously to my complete lack of preparation and my laziness; it would be so convenient for me to just post a load of pictures and videos without need of explanation, all the while being completely confident that, not only would my audience completely follow my logic without guidance, but would also find it incredibly fascinating and instantly smash a "like" button of some kind.
Yes, if only there was some kind of online platform that would allow, nay, encourage this type of slapdash, cut-corner approach to social media...
Hmmm... I wonder if such a thing could exist... @srvfilms.
Anyway, that shameless plug aside, I wanted to drop in and say a few words:

Ok, for real this time.
1) "HellthClass" has now played 4 festivals (I know, four! That's, like, a crazy high number. It's like I've hit the "big time.")
Yes, it appears that "HellthClass" is the little short film that could......... have done a whole lot better had I not chosen the same day as "Stranger Things" season 2 for its online debut -- dee-butt, for those who don't speak French good.
Admittedly, this has been my biggest regret with this film -- a film that, believe it or not, has turned one year old this week!
And for a production so fraught with turmoil, it's a shame that I was unable to procure a wider release.
All things considered though, getting into 4 festivals, winning one and getting featured on Film Shortage ain't half bad.
2) This is a music video directed by Zach Daulton that I did creature effects for. My official title on this was VFX Generalist and Stop-motion animator.
It was filmed back in April and was then handed off to me for animation and compositing.
All told, I produced 16 shots in about 3 weeks -- along with approximately 6 weeks for puppet fabrication and preproduction.
And finally,
3) For anyone who may have noticed my general absence from the "Blog-O-Sphere" this year, it was do in great part to my involvement in "The Bray Road Beast."
As I'm sure I mentioned previously: This is the latest film in the Small Town Monsters series, that documents all the strange creatures, collectively known as "Cryptids," in the small towns of America.
In this feature, we got to cover these guys:

I came on the production in January and worked on it all the way through the middle of August.
So, literally, the entire film! And during this course of time, my job title slowly evolved from the animation dept. to VFX, and then all the way to monster maker.
And what is on the horizon? Well, bigger and betting things, thankfully.
This past year has been absurdly busy and it seems that the next 6 months or so will be equally rigorous -- another cryptid documentary and the very real possibility of some incredibly extensive VFX work and you probably won't hear much from me for a good while.
And with that, I grow tired of typing, and bid you a rather abrupt adieu.
Till next time.